About YPPO
YPPO represents:
Y outh
P lanet
P rotector
O rganisation
The number of members of YPPO has now reached
students inhabitat in
nations distributed all over this beautiful planet.
The YPPO was founded by Fabian Schneider (right) and Rami Aly (left) in 2016:
The first collaborative community project named
aims to deploy probes in ocean cycles to transmit real-time environment data.
Do you take or provide financial support?
No. We are a voluntary organization with the focus on ideally support, e.g. the exchange of ideas and knowledge.
Why should I become a member of YPPO?
There are many reasons!
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There is Greenpeace and more. Why YPPO?
In contrast to e.g. Greenpeace we understand ourselves as a Youth organisation. We focus and adjust our support and infrastructure for young people. Establishing contact between members and creating a team-spirit will work in our eyes much better for people is similar ages. Especially young people have the motivation and the power to make real change. The impact YPPO aims to do differs a lot from other Youth organisations. We try to make a scientific approach, creating an infrastructure to present and work together on scientific projects related to environmental topics on different communication platforms. This wide range of possibilities to work on projects through YPPO is unique!
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How can I participate?
Fill in the registration form, and we will process your registration as soon as possible:
Registration ➚
What are the requirements for the registration?
Every young person who strives to work scientifically on global environment issues is welcomed to enter our organization. Most of our members are between 12 and 24 years old.
Do I need to pay a participation fee?
No! YPPO aims to connect students that want to realize personal projects to enhance our planet. Members are not allowed to promote or request raw financial support from the YPPO community. To deal with project expenses, we created a specific information page which does not rely on YPPO members.
I joined as a student in high school but I will enter university next month. Can I still be part of your network?
Yes, of course! You could lead online exchanges or help people out with your knowledge obtained over the years.
How long will it take to get a reply after registration?
Due to an unexpectedly high volume of requests, it may take some while. Please remember that YPPO members that are involved in public communication work voluntary!
Is YPPO available in my country?
Internationalization is a key factor to reach our goals! Everybody from any country is welcomed to participate!
How can I promote YPPO?
Feel free to share YPPO content and activities on various channels. YPPO members have intern access to posters and other materials for members.
Does YPPO aim to extend the scientific knowledge?
It is one of our primary goals to give young students the possibility to understand and work on global issues on a scientific level. But the promotion of scientific approaches and the creation of channels to raise public awareness about environmental issues does not necessarily include the extension of scientific knowledge.
Who founded and works on YPPO?
YPPO was originally founded by Fabian Schneider and Rami Aly in 2016. Today, a variety of YPPO-intern offers and sites are hosted and created by YPPO members.
Founder Profile ➚
How did YPPO get started?
After the foundation of YPPO in 2016, several local students from Germany joined and delivered the message of YPPO on an international stage through science camps, Congress, and other youth meetings. Today, YPPO has members all over the world, a vibrant community, and active social platforms.
Is YPPO only about the CONCEPT project on your front page?
No. The CONCEPT project stands representative for a collaborative project that is supported by the YPPO community. It was created by Fabian Schneider and Rami Aly and requires the access to different oceans. The data visualization was embedded on the front page since the project represents central ideas of YPPO.
Is CONCEPT a community project?
No. It was created by Fabian Schneider and Rami Aly and requires the access to different oceans. Therefore, the international community is vital for the CONCEPT project.
Do the CONCEPT probe sensor data represent the actual ocean parameters?
Not necessary. Due to a permanent movement and changing weather conditions, it is not possible to a floating object to precisely measuring ocean parameters. The key feature of the CONCEPT probes is a relative comparison of parameters over time.
How do the CONCEPT drones transmit data from the ocean?
The sensor data is communicated to the YPPO server via Iridium satellites that can be accessed by the central computing unit via the RockBlock Mk2 module.
About Transmission ➚
How can I access the OLEI (Online Live Exchange Interface)?
To access OLEI and several other great exchange platforms hosted by YPPO, it is necessary to log into your YPPO account. If you have account information but are not able to access the YPPO-intern network, please contact our support team via the contact form:
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How can I stay up-to-date about YPPO activities?
There are several possibilities. We monthly publish a newsletter with outstanding projects created by YPPO members, current relevant scientific topics about the global environment and further events like meetups. Furthermore, we have a communication platform, called OLEI exclusively for YPPO members for frequent exchange. We are currently working on monthly meetings for general discussions and above all to decide on top projects for our planned project hall.
Who is responsible for the content on the YPPO webpages?
The founders of YPPO have designed our openly accessible Web Page. Further members maintain the internal platforms like OLEI (Online Live Exchange Interface).
I have recognized an error. How can I get in touch with you?
Thank you! You can use the contact form:
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