Youth Planet
Protector Organisation
Unleashing The Potential Of Science For A Sustainable Future
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About YPPO
About YPPO
YPPO represents:

Y outh
P lanet
P rotector
O rganisation

The number of members of YPPO has now reached
students inhabitat in
nations distributed all over this beautiful planet.

The YPPO was founded by Fabian Schneider (right) and Rami Aly (left) in 2016:

The first collaborative community project named
aims to deploy probes in ocean cycles to transmit real-time environment data.
YPPO still needs country leaders, representatives and members from:

▶  Canada
▶  Iceland
▶  New Zealand

If you love science, the planet and want to make an impact, join now:


YPPO is a completly non-financial Organisation. Our members are between 12 and 24 years old.
Time until the next transmission of sensor data.

YPPO is created with the intention to bring following benefits to members of our network:

▶  spreading as well as promotion of ideas and projects
▶  enabling exchange with other students
▶  inspiration for your project
▶  more possibilities to create a local project
▶  realization of projects on an international level by enabling access to global regions through members
▶  work collaboratively with other members and benefit from a wide range of skills and knowledge
▶  obtaining knowledge about environmental issues
▶  improve your ability on project creation, design, and implementation
▶  be well informed about current issues and scientific solutions

We are continuously trying to create an optimal infrastructure and network. Therefore members of YPPO will benefit from:

▶  Monthly Newsletter
▶  Project Exchange Platforms
▶  OLEI (Online Live Exchange Interface)
▶  Community Projects and Online Events
▶  Inner-national meetups

We are currently working on further ideas. The most recent one is the creation of a Project Hall. Exceptional Projects created by YPPO members will be displayed in it. Additionally, we will try to organize monthly online meetings to discuss suggestions for scientific research topics and current environment issues, possibly connected with short live presentations. Furthermore, the selection of projects that enter the Project Hall will take place at our monthly meeting. For registration, you can use the registration form below.


ATTENTION (!!!!!!): The YPPO project has won funding from the Yooweedoo Ideenwettbewerb in April 2018. Because of that, we are able to perform major improvements of our infrastructure. The registration form is put on hold until the changes are completed in the coming months.

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Why do you want
to participate?
How do you want
to contribute?
Are/Have you already
worked on projects
related to environ-
mental issues?
Monthly YPPO Newletter

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Youth Planet Protector Organisation | Sun 05.02.2017 13:20:35 (UTC+1)